186-188 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London SW7 5HL

020 7589 3763
On the grounds of article 12 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act
1. An application based on a specimen in accordance with Annex No. 1 of Decree No. 1 dated 19th February 1999 on the application of chapter five of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act /Decree No. 1/.
The application shall be written in Bulgarian.
2. A transcript of a birth certificate of a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. A criminal conviction certificate issued in the country of citizenship of the applicant. If he/she resides in the Republic of Bulgaria or a third country permanently or for a long period of time, he/she shall present a criminal conviction certificate issued by the local competent authorities. The criminal conviction certificate shall state that it has been issued specially for the procedure of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship.
4. A document from the prosecutor’s office stating that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for an indictable offence.
5. A certificate from an employer stating that the person is employed under labor or official legal relations, or by the respective tax office for declared income for the previous year.
6. A document proving the applicant’s fluency in Bulgarian, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science, or a copy of a diploma for a completed education degree in the Republic of Bulgaria (primary, secondary, or higher education) certified by a Notary Public.
7. A medical document issued by a medical advisory committee (MAC) of the medical establishment serving the person depending on his/her place of residence, which certifies that the person does not suffer from any acute and infectious diseases under Article 61, paragraph 1 of the Health Act, any mental diseases under article 146, paragraph 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. If there is no medical advisory committee, this document shall be issued by the general hospital medical advisory committee of the respective medical establishment.
8. Declarations based on a specimen in accordance with annexes No. 4 and No. 4a of Decree No. 1.
9. An official document certifying the change of the names, if any, as well as an official document identifying a person with different names.
In case the change of names has been made as a result of a contracted civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate makes an official inspection in the National database of the population, which is kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
10. Autobiography.
11. A current passport-size photograph – 1 photograph
12. A copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
13. A paying-in slip for a paid state fee amounting to 100 BGN to the account of the Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian National Bank – Central Administration, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
14. A document issued by the respective foreign authorities, stating that the applicant has been deprived of his/her current citizenship. If there is no such document, it shall be presented within a period of three years upon the receipt of the notice that the Citizenship Council of the Ministry of Justice has approved the applicant for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship. The following shall not present such a document:
1. people who are spouses of Bulgarian citizens;
2. citizens of an EU Member-state, an EEA Member-state or the Swiss Confederation;
3. citizens of countries with which the Republic of Bulgaria has signed a contract establishing mutuality.
When submitting the document for the deprivation of the current citizenship, the applicants shall also present an updated document under item 5 of this list.
The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate shall make an official inspection via automated access to the registry information exchange system (Regix), maintained by the State Agency for Electronic Governance, regarding the existence of a permitted permanent or long-term residence in the Republic of Bulgaria, the date of the residence permit and the deposition of the compulsory social insurance contributions or the presence or lack of any debts.
The documents presented by the interested people, depending on the foreign country from which they originate, shall meet the requirements of the respective provisions of the bilateral international contracts or the Convention for the annulment of the requirement for legalization of the foreign public acts drawn up in the Hague on 5th October 1961, under which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or the Regulations for legalizations, certifications and translation of documents and other papers and shall also be supplied with translations into Bulgarian made and certified in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Regulations.
The requirements shall not apply in the cases when the following are presented:
- Extracts from civil status records related to birth, marriage or death, which have been issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records signed on 8th September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by an EU Member-state in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OJ, L 200/1 dated 26th July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to present a translation into Bulgaria of documents issued in the official language of the Member-state issuing them.
The application for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship shall be submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the Diplomatic or the Consular Representative Office abroad.
In order to submit the application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make a preliminary electronic reservation of a date and time via the webpage of the Ministry.
Upon the submission of the application, an interview is held with the applicant in case all the necessary documents have been presented in accordance with this list.
The interview is held in Bulgarian by people appointed by the Minister of Justice based on an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted at a Diplomatic or Consular Representative Office of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant is held by an official of the respective representative office upon the submission of the application.
If upon the completion of the procedure for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship, the applicant requests to take the enclosed copy of a birth act or duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority, he/she shall enclose a copy of the document certified by a Notary Public when submitting the application.
1. Application for a model in accordance with Annex No. 1 to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999, for the application of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship / Regulation No. 1 /.
The application must be written in Bulgarian.
2. A copy of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. Depending on the type of investment made under Art. 12a of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship is presented:
3.1. Certificate for the investments made under Art. 25, para. 1, items 6 and 7 of the Law for the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, issued by the InvestBulgaria Agency in accordance with Art. 39, para. 6 of the Rules for Implementation of the Law for the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria;
3.2. Certificate for the investments made under Art. 25, para. 1, item 8 of the Law for the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria referred to in Art. 39a, para. 1, item 2 of the Rules for Implementation of the Law for the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria;
3.3. Certificate for activities and investments under Art. 25, para. 1, item 13 in reference to the circumstances under Art. 25c, para. 2, item 2 or 3, and Art. 25, para. 1, item 16 of the Law for the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, issued by the Ministry of Economy.
The InvestBulgaria Agency and the Ministry of Economy shall send ex officio to the Ministry of Justice the certificates under item 3.1 and item 3.3.
4. A criminal record from the country of nationality of the applicant. If he resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria or in a third country, he shall also present a criminal record with the local competent authorities. The criminal record states that it is issued for the purposes of proceedings for Bulgarian citizenship.
5. Document from the prosecutor's office that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for a premeditated crime of general nature.
6. Certificate from the employer that the person is working under an employment relationship or a certificate from the respective tax office for declared income for the previous year.
7. Medical document, issued by the Medical Advisory Committee (LKK) of the medical institution, serving the person of residence, certifying that the person does not suffer from acute contagious and infectious diseases under Art. 61, para 1 of the Law on Health, Mental Illness under Art. 146, para. 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. In the absence of a LKK, the document is issued by the general hospital LKK of the respective hospital.
8. Declarations in accordance with Annexes No 4 and No 4a to Regulation No 1.
9. Official document certifying the name change, if any, as well as an official identity document of a person with a different name.
In case the name change is made due to a civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, no document is required. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate carries out an official check in the National Population Database maintained by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
10. Autobiography.
11. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
12. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the petitioner.
13. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 100 to the account of the Ministry of Justice BNB - HQ, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The family members of the persons who have received a permanent residence permit on the grounds of Art. 25, para. 1, items 6, 7 or 8 of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria submit a certificate for family members and the documents under items 1 - 13 of the list.
The InvestBulgaria Agency and the Ministry of Economy shall send ex officio to the Ministry of Justice the certificates under item 3.1 and item 3.3.
The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate performs an official check by means of automated access to the area of interregional exchange (Regix), maintained by the State e-Government Agency, for the presence of a permanent or long-term residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria, respectively, the date of residence permit and the legal basis, as well as the payment of compulsory social security contributions and the presence or absence of obligations.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage, or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
The application for the obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship is submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
In order to submit an application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make an electronic reservation in advance of a date and time on the Ministry's website.
When applying, the applicant is interviewed if all the required documents have been submitted in accordance with this list.
The interview is conducted in Bulgarian by persons designated by the Minister of Justice, following an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant shall be conducted by an official of the respective representation office upon submission of the application.
If the applicant wants, upon completion of the procedure for obtaining Bulgarian citizenship, to have a copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate of birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority attached to the application, he/she should enclose a notarized copy when submitting the application of this document.
On the grounds of article 13, article 13a and article 14 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act
By virtue of Article 14a of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. Application for a model in accordance with Annex No. 1 to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999 for the application of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship / Regulation No. 1 /.
The application must be written in Bulgarian.
2. A copy of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. Depending on the type of investment made under Art. 14a of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship is presented:
3.1. Certificate for the made investments and investments under art. 14a, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship, issued by the Bulgarian Investment Agency pursuant to Art. 39, para. 6 of the Rules for Implementation of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria;
3.2. Certificate of activities and investments made under Art. 25, para. 1, item 13 in connection with the circumstances under Art. 25c, para. 2, item 1 of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria, issued by the Ministry of Economy.
The InvestBulgaria Agency and the Ministry of Economy shall send ex officio to the Ministry of Justice the certificates referred to in items 3.1 and 3.2.
4. Documents certifying the lack of circumstances under Art. 14a, para. 2 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship, issued by the National Revenue Agency and the municipalities.
5. A criminal record from the country of which the applicant is a national. If he resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria or in a third country, he shall also present a criminal record with the local competent authorities. The criminal record states that it is issued for the purposes of proceedings for Bulgarian citizenship.
6. Document from the Prosecutor's Office that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for a premeditated crime of a general nature.
7. Medical document, issued by the Medical Advisory Committee (LKK) of the medical institution, serving the person of residence, certifying that the person does not suffer from acute contagious and infectious diseases under Art. 61, para 1 of the Law on Health, Mental Illness under Art. 146, para. 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. In the absence of a LKK, the document is issued by the general hospital LKK of the respective hospital.
8. Declarations in accordance with Annexes No 4 and No 4a to Regulation No 1.
9. Official document certifying the name change, if any, as well as an official document on the identity of a person with a different name.
In case the name change is made due to a civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, no document is required. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate carries out an official check in the National Population Database maintained by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
10. Autobiography.
11. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
12. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the petitioner.
13. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 100 to the account of the Ministry of Justice BNB - HD, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate performs an official check by means of automated access to the area of interregional exchange (Regix), maintained by the State e-Government Agency, for the presence of a permanent or long-term residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria, respectively, the date of residence permit and the legal basis, as well as the payment of compulsory social security contributions and the presence or absence of obligations.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
The application for the obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship is submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
In order to submit an application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make an electronic reservation in advance of a date and time on the Ministry's website.
When applying, the applicant is interviewed if all the required documents have been submitted in accordance with this list.
The interview is conducted in Bulgarian by persons designated by the Minister of Justice, following an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant shall be conducted by an official of the respective representation office upon submission of the application.
If the applicant wants, upon completion of the procedure for obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship, to have a copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority attached to the application, he/she should enclose a notarized copy when submitting the application of this document.
On the grounds of article 15 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act
1. An application based on a specimen in accordance with Annex No. 1 of Decree No. 1 dated 19th February 1999 on the application of chapter five of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act /Decree No. 1/.
The application shall be written in Bulgarian.
2. Documents proving the existence of legal grounds under Article 15 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act:
2.1. The people under Article 15, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall present a certificate of Bulgarian origin issued by the State Agency for Bulgarians abroad and all the documents certifying the existence of at least one Bulgarian in the ascending line;
2.2. The people under Article 15, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall present an official transcript of a decision that has entered into force, allowing complete adoption as well as an official document that the adoptive parent is a Bulgarian citizen;
2.3. The people under Article 15, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall present an official document issued by the respective municipality or by the Ministry of Justice stating that one of the parents is a Bulgarian citizen or has died as a Bulgarian citizen.
3. A transcript of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
4. A criminal conviction certificate issued in the country of citizenship of the applicant. If he/she resides in the Republic of Bulgaria or a third country permanently or for a long period of time, he/she shall present a criminal conviction certificate issued by the local competent authorities. The criminal conviction certificate shall state that it has been issued specially for the procedure of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship.
5. A document from the prosecutor’s office stating that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for an indictable offence, if the person resides in the Republic of Bulgaria permanently or for a long period of time.
6. A medical document issued by a medical advisory committee (MAC) of the medical establishment serving the person depending on his/her place of residence, which certifies that the person does not suffer from any acute and infectious diseases under Article 61, paragraph 1 of the Health Act, any mental diseases under article 146, paragraph 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. If there is no medical advisory committee, this document shall be issued by the general hospital medical advisory committee of the respective medical establishment. This document shall be issued by the respective foreign authorities if the applicant lives abroad.
7. Declarations based on a specimen in accordance with annexes No. 4 and No. 4a of Decree No. 1.
8. An official document certifying the change of the names, if any, as well as an official document identifying a person with different names.
In case the change of names has been made as a result of a contracted civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate makes an official inspection of the National database of the population, which is kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
9. Autobiography.
10. A current passport-size photograph – 1 photograph
11. A copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
12. A paying-in slip for a paid state fee amounting to 30 BGN; for the students up to 26 years of age – 10 BGN upon presenting a Certificate issued by an institution of higher education. The amount is deposited to the account of the Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian National Bank – Central Administration,
IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested people, depending on the foreign country from which they originate, shall meet the requirements of the respective provisions of the bilateral international contracts or the Convention for the annulment of the requirement for legalization of the foreign public acts drawn up in the Hague on 5th October 1961, under which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or the Regulations for legalizations, certifications and translation of documents and other papers and shall also be supplied with translations into Bulgarian made and certified in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Regulations.
The requirements shall not apply in the cases when the following are presented:
- Extracts from civil status records related to birth, marriage or death, which have been issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records signed on 8th September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by an EU Member-state in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OJ, L 200/1 dated 26th July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to present a translation into Bulgaria of documents issued in the official language of the Member-state issuing them.
The application for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship shall be submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the Diplomatic or Consular Representative Office abroad.
In order to submit the application at the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make a preliminary electronic reservation of a date and time via the webpage of the Ministry.
Upon the submission of the application, an interview is held with the applicant in case all the necessary documents have been presented in accordance with this list.
The interview is held in Bulgarian by people appointed by the Minister of Justice based on an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted at a Diplomatic or Consular Representative Office of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant is held by an official of the respective representative office upon the submission of the application.
If upon the completion of the procedure for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship, the applicant requests to take the enclosed copy of a birth act or duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority, he/she shall enclose a copy of the document certified by a Notary Public when submitting the application.
By virtue of Article 12a of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. An application based on a specimen in accordance with Annex No. 1 of Decree No. 1 dated 19th February 1999 on the application of chapter five of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act /Decree No. 1/.
The application shall be written in Bulgarian.
2. A transcript of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority. In case of reasonable inability to present a birth certificate, the people under Article 13a of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall be identified by means of the identity document issued by the Bulgarian authorities.
3. The people under Article 13, item 1 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall present a certificate of a civil marriage contracted with a Bulgarian citizen no less than 3 years ago, as of the date of submitting the application, when the marriage has been contracted abroad. In case the civil marriage has been contracted on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate shall conduct an official inspection of the National database of the population kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
4. A criminal conviction certificate issued in the country of citizenship of the applicant. If he/she resides in the Republic of Bulgaria or a third country permanently or for a long period of time, he/she shall present a criminal conviction certificate issued by the local competent authorities. The criminal conviction certificate shall state that it has been issued specially for the procedure of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship.
The people under Article 13a and Article 3 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall present a criminal conviction certificate issued only in the Republic of Bulgaria.
5. A document from the prosecutor’s office stating that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for an indictable offense.
6. A certificate from an employer stating that the person is employed under labor or official legal relations, or by the respective tax office for declared income for the previous year.
7. A document proving the applicant’s fluency in Bulgarian, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science, or a copy of a diploma for a completed education degree in the Republic of Bulgaria (primary, secondary, or higher education) certified by a Notary Public.
8. A medical document issued by a medical advisory committee (MAC) of the medical establishment serving the person depending on his/her place of residence, which certifies that the person does not suffer from any acute and infectious diseases under Article 61, paragraph 1 of the Health Act, any mental diseases under article 146, paragraph 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. If there is no medical advisory committee, this document shall be issued by the general hospital medical advisory committee of the respective medical establishment.
9. Declarations based on a specimen in accordance with annexes No. 4 and No. 4a of Decree No. 1.
10. An official document certifying the change of the names, if any, as well as an official document of the identity of a person with different names.
In case the change of names has been made as a result of a contracted civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate makes an official inspection in the National database of the population, which is kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
11. Autobiography.
12. A current passport-size photograph – 1 photograph
13. A copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
14. A paying-in slip for a paid state fee amounting to 100 BGN to the account of the Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian National Bank – Central Administration, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
15. A document issued by the respective foreign authorities, stating that the applicant has been deprived of his/her current citizenship. If there is no such document, it shall be presented within a period of three years upon the receipt of the notice that the Citizenship Council of the Ministry of Justice has approved the applicant for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship. The following shall not present such a document:
1. people who are spouses of Bulgarian citizens;
2. citizens of an EU Member-state, an EEA Member-state, or the Swiss Confederation;
3. citizens of countries with which the Republic of Bulgaria has signed a contract establishing mutuality.
4. the people under Article 13a of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act who have acquired a refugee status or a humanitarian status.
5. the people under Article 14 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act – without any citizenship.
When submitting the document for the deprivation of the current citizenship, the applicants under Article 13, items 3 and 4 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act shall also present an updated document under item 6 of this list.
The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate shall make an official inspection via automated access to the registry information exchange system (Regix), maintained by the State Agency for Electronic Governance, regarding the following:
1. The existence of a granted refugee status or humanitarian status and the date of its granting for the people under Article 13a, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act.
2. The existence of a permitted permanent or long-term residence in the Republic of Bulgaria and the date of the residence permit;
3. The deposition of the compulsory social insurance contributions and the existence or lack of debts.
The documents presented by the interested people, depending on the foreign country from which they originate, shall meet the requirements of the respective provisions of the bilateral international contracts or the Convention for the annulment of the requirement for legalization of the foreign public acts drawn up in the Hague on 5th October 1961, under which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or the Regulations for legalizations, certifications and translation of documents and other papers and shall also be supplied with translations into Bulgarian made and certified in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Regulations.
The requirements shall not apply in the cases when the following are presented:
- Extracts from civil status records related to birth, marriage, or death, which have been issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records signed on 8th September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by an EU Member-state in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OJ, L 200/1 dated 26th July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to present a translation into Bulgaria of documents issued in the official language of the Member-state issuing them.
The application for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship shall be submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the Diplomatic or the Consular Representative Office abroad.
In order to submit the application at the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make a preliminary electronic reservation of a date and time via the webpage of the Ministry.
Upon the submission of the application, an interview is held with the applicant in case all the necessary documents have been presented in accordance with this list.
The interview is held in Bulgarian by people appointed by the Minister of Justice based on an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted at a Diplomatic or Consular Representative Office of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant is held by an official of the respective representative office upon the submission of the application.
If upon the completion of the procedure for acquiring Bulgarian citizenship, the applicant requests to take the enclosed copy of a birth act or duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority, he/she shall enclose a copy of the document certified by a Notary Public when submitting the application.
By virtue of Article 16 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1.Reasoned proposal for the obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship to the Minister of Justice by the Minister responsible for the respective field in which the Republic of Bulgaria has an interest in the naturalization of the person or in which he has special merit. The proposal indicates the specific interest of the Republic of Bulgaria in the naturalization of the person or the specific contribution of the person in the respective field in which he has special merit.
2. Prior written consent of the person who will acquire Bulgarian citizenship with a notarized signature.
For a person under the age of 14, consent is given by both parents. It is given only by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
A person from 14 to 18 years of age gives their consent personally, with the consent of the parents. It is signed by the person and signed by both parents. Consent is only signed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
In the event of disagreement between parents, as well as disagreement between minors and parents or guardians, the decision by which the district court has ruled on the dispute shall apply to the consent.
3. A copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
4. A criminal record from the country of nationality of the applicant. If he resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria or in a third country, he shall also present a criminal record with the local competent authorities. The criminal record states that it is issued for the purposes of proceedings for Bulgarian citizenship.
5. Document from the Prosecutor's Office that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for a deliberate crime of a general nature if the person resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria.
6. Medical document, issued by the Medical Advisory Committee (LKK) of the medical institution, serving the person of residence, certifying that the person does not suffer from acute contagious and infectious diseases under Art. 61, para 1 of the Law on Health, Mental Illness under Art. 146, para. 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. In the absence of a LKK, the document is issued by the general hospital LKK of the respective hospital. This document is issued by the relevant foreign authorities if the applicant resides abroad.
7. Declarations in accordance with Annexes No. 4 and No. 4a to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999, on the implementation of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship.
8. Official document certifying the name change, if any, as well as an official document on the identity of a person with a different name.
In case the name change is made due to a civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, no document is required. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate carries out an official check in the National Population Database maintained by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
9. Autobiography.
10. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
11. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
12. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 100 to the account of the Ministry of Justice BNB - HD, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
By virtue of Article 18 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. Application for a model in accordance with Annex No. 1 to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999, for the application of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship / Regulation No. 1 /.
The application must be written in Bulgarian.
For a person who is under 14 years of age or is placed under full restraint, the application must be submitted by both parents or their guardian. It is only filed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
A person between the ages of 14 and 18 years or placed under a limited restriction submits the application in person, with the consent of the parent or guardian. It is signed by the person and signed by both parents or guardians. The plication is only signed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
In case of disagreement between parents, as well as disagreement between minors and parents or guardians, the decision with which the district court ruled on the dispute shall be attached to the application.
2. A copy of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. Official document for Bulgarian citizenship of the parent or adoptive parent, issued by the respective municipality or the Ministry of Justice, that one parent is a Bulgarian citizen or has died as a Bulgarian citizen.
The persons under Art. 18, para. 2 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship also present an official transcript of a decision to allow full adoption.
4. Declarations in accordance with Annexes 4 and 4a to Regulation No 1.
5. Official document certifying the name change, if any, as well as an official document on the identity of a person with a different names.
6. Autobiography.
7. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
8. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the petitioner.
9. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 10 to the account of the Ministry of Justice, BNB-HQ, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
The application for the obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship is submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
In order to submit an application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make an electronic reservation in advance of a date and time on the Ministry's website.
When applying, the applicant is interviewed if all the required documents have been submitted in accordance with this list.
The interview is conducted in Bulgarian by persons designated by the Minister of Justice, following an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant shall be conducted by an official of the respective representation office upon submission of the application.
If the applicant wants, upon completion of the procedure for obtaining of Bulgarian citizenship, to have a copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate of birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority attached to the application, he/she should enclose a notarized copy when submitting the application of this document.
By virtue of Article 20 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. Application for a model in accordance with Annex No. 3 to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999, for the application of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship / Regulation 1 /.
The application must be written in Bulgarian.
For a person who is under 14 years of age or is placed under full restraint, the application must be submitted by both parents or their guardian. It is only filed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
A person between the ages of 14 and 18 years or placed under a limited restriction submits the application in person, with the consent of the parent or guardian. It is signed by the person and signed by both parents or guardians. The petition is only signed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
In case of disagreement between parents, as well as disagreement between minors and parents or guardians, the decision with which the district court ruled on the dispute shall be attached to the application.
2. A copy of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. A document certifying the obtaining of a foreign nationality or the existence of an open procedure for the obtaining of a foreign nationality.
4. Document for permanent residence abroad.
5. Declarations in accordance with Annexes No 4 and No 4a to Regulation No 1.
6. Official document certifying the change of names, if any, and an official document of the identity of a person of different names.
In case the name change is made due to a civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, no document is required. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate carries out an official check in the National Population Database maintained by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
7. Autobiography.
8. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
9. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the petitioner.
10. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 50 to the account of the Ministry of Justice, BNB - HQ, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage, or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
The application for release from Bulgarian citizenship is submitted in person at the Ministry of Justice or at the diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
In order to submit an application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make an electronic reservation in advance of a date and time on the Ministry's website.
When applying, the applicant is interviewed if all the required documents have been submitted in accordance with this list.
The interview is conducted in Bulgarian by persons designated by the Minister of Justice, following an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant shall be conducted by an official of the respective representation office upon submission of the application.
If the applicant wants, upon completion of the procedure for the release from Bulgarian citizenship, to have a copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority attached to the application, he/she should enclose a notarized copy when submitting the application of this document.
By virtue of Article 26 and Article 27 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. Application for a model in accordance with Annex No. 2 to Regulation No. 1 of February 19, 1999, for the application of Chapter Five of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship / Regulation No. 1 /.
The application must be written in Bulgarian.
For a person who is under 14 years of age or is placed under full restraint, the application must be submitted by both parents or their guardian. It is only filed by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
A person between the ages of 14 and 18 years or placed under a restricted restriction submits the application in person, with the consent of the parent or guardian. It is signed by the person and re-signed by both parents or guardians. The petition shall be re-signed only by one parent when the other is deprived of parental rights or only by the mother when the father is unknown.
In case of disagreement between parents, as well as disagreement between minors and parents or guardians, the decision with which the district court ruled on the dispute shall be attached to the application.
2. A copy of a birth certificate or a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
3. Criminal record of the country of nationality of the petitioner. If he resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria or in a third country, he shall also present a criminal record with the local competent authorities. The criminal record states that it is issued for the purposes of proceedings for Bulgarian citizenship.
4. Document from the Prosecutor's Office that no criminal proceedings have been instituted against the applicant for a deliberate crime of a general nature if the person resides permanently or long-term in the Republic of Bulgaria.
5. Medical document, issued by the Medical Advisory Committee (LKK) of the medical institution, serving the person of residence, certifying that the person does not suffer from acute contagious and infectious diseases under Art. 61, para 1 of the Law on Health, Mental Illness under Art. 146, para. 1, items 1 and 2 of the Health Act. In the absence of a LKK, the document is issued by the general hospital LKK of the respective hospital. This document is issued by the relevant foreign authorities if the applicant resides abroad.
6. Declarations in accordance with Annexes No. 4 and No. 4a to Regulation No. 1
7. Official document certifying the change of names, if any, and an official document of the identity of a person of different names.
In case the name change is made due to a civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, no document is required. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate carries out an official check in the National Population Database maintained by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
8. Autobiography.
9. Current photo passport format - 1 item.
10. Photocopy of a document certifying the identity of the petitioner.
11. Paying-in slip for paid state fee of BGN 30, for persons under 18 years and for students up to 26 years - BGN 10, and for persons of non-Bulgarian origin - BGN 100 on account of the Ministry of Justice, BNB - HQ, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate performs an official check by means of automated access to the area of interregional exchange (Regix), maintained by the State e-Government Agency regarding the presence of a permanent or long-term residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria, respectively, the date of the residence permit. which must be continuous and not less than 3 years from the date of submission of the application.
The additional provisions of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship and persons deprived of Bulgarian Citizenship on the grounds of lost significance do not require the presence of a permanent or long-term residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The documents presented by the interested parties, depending on the foreign country of origin, must meet the requirements of the relevant provisions of bilateral international treaties or the Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, to which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or of the Regulations for the legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers, as well as to be provided with translations in Bulgarian language, which shall be performed and certified in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Regulations. The requirements do not apply where:
- Statements of civil status relating to birth, marriage, or death issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records, signed on 8 September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by a Member State of the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for the submission of certain official documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OB, L 200/1 of 26 July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to submit a translation into Bulgarian for documents issued in the official language of the country the Member that issues them.
The application for restoration of Bulgarian citizenship is submitted in person to the Ministry of Justice or to the diplomatic or consular mission abroad.
In order to submit an application to the Ministry of Justice, it is necessary to make an electronic reservation in advance of a date and time on the Ministry's website.
When applying, the applicant is interviewed if all the required documents have been submitted in accordance with this list.
Interviews are conducted with their parents or guardians for persons who are under 14 years of age or are placed under complete disability. When conducting interviews with persons from the age of 14 to 18 years or placed under restricted restraint, they are accompanied by their parents or guardians.
The interview is conducted in Bulgarian by persons designated by the Minister of Justice, following an approved questionnaire.
When the application is submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad, the interview with the applicant shall be conducted by an official of the respective representation office upon submission of the application.
If the applicant wants, upon completion of the procedure for restoration of Bulgarian citizenship, to have a copy of the birth certificate or a duplicate birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority attached to the application, he/she should attach a notarized copy of the application to the application of this document.
By virtue of Article 26 and Article 27 of the Law on Bulgarian Citizenship
1. An application based on a specimen in accordance with Annex No. 5 of Decree No. 1 dated 19th February 1999 on the application of chapter five of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act.
The application shall be written in Bulgarian.
The application and the documents shall be submitted through the municipality depending on the person’s permanent address or through the municipality at the place of residence or the permanent address prior to leaving the country, as the municipality shall send them to the Ministry of Justice, enclosing a certificate from the civil status registers of the respective municipality or town hall regarding the person’s citizenship.
A person living abroad can submit an application for establishing the existence of Bulgarian citizenship at the Bulgarian Diplomatic or Consular Representative Offices abroad.
When the person has died, the application shall be filled in and signed by an heir who shall enter the data of the deceased person.
When the person is under 14 years of age or is under overall judicial disability, the application shall be submitted on behalf of both parents or the person’s guardian. It shall be submitted by one of the parents only if the other parent has been deprived of parental rights or only by the mother if the father is unknown.
A person aged 14-18 or a person under limited judicial disability shall submit the application in person. The application shall be signed by both parents or by the guardian. It shall be signed by one of the parents only if the other parent has been deprived of parental rights or only by the mother if the father is unknown.
2. A transcript of a birth certificate of a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
The municipality shall enclose to the documents a transcript of a birth act or a duplicate of a birth certificate in those cases when the person was born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the municipality through which the documents are submitted is the same as the municipality on whose territory the person was born.
3. A document certifying the date and way of leaving the country.
4. An official document certifying the change of the names, if any, as well as an official document of the identity of a person with different names.
In case the change of names has been made as a result of a contracted civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate makes an official inspection in the National database of the population, which is kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
5. A copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
6. A document of acquired foreign citizenship, if any.
7. A copy of a death act if the person has died.
The municipality shall enclose to the documents a transcript of a death act in those cases when the person has died on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the municipality through which the documents are submitted is the same as the municipality on whose territory the person has died.
8. A current passport-size photograph – 2 photographs.
9. A paying-in slip for a paid state fee amounting to 50 BGN to the account of the Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian National Bank – Central Administration, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested people, depending on the foreign country from which they originate, shall meet the requirements of the respective provisions of the bilateral international contracts or the Convention for the annulment of the requirement for legalization of the foreign public acts drawn up in the Hague on 5th October 1961, under which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or the Regulations for legalizations, certifications and translation of documents and other papers and shall also be supplied with translations into Bulgarian made and certified in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Regulations.
The requirements shall not apply in the cases when the following are presented:
- Extracts from civil status records related to birth, marriage, or death, which have been issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records signed on 8th September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by an EU Member-state in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OJ, L 200/1 dated 26th July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to present a translation into Bulgaria of documents issued in the official language of the Member-state issuing them.
In case of any irregularities, the application and the enclosed document shall be returned to the municipality sending them, along with written instructions on how to remedy the irregularities.
If upon the issue of a certificate for the existence of Bulgarian citizenship, the applicant requests to take the enclosed copy of a birth act or duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority, he/she shall enclose a copy of the document certified by a Notary Public when submitting the application.
On the grounds of article 39 of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act
1. An application based on a specimen in accordance with Annex No. 5 of Decree No. 1 dated 19th February 1999 on the application of chapter five of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act.
The application shall be written in Bulgarian.
The application and the documents shall be submitted through the municipality depending on the person’s permanent address or through the municipality at the place of residence or the permanent address prior to leaving the country, as the municipality shall send them to the Ministry of Justice, enclosing a certificate from the civil status registers of the respective municipality or town hall regarding the person’s citizenship.
A person living abroad can submit an application for establishing the existence of Bulgarian citizenship at the Bulgarian Diplomatic or Consular Representative Offices abroad.
When the person has died, the application shall be filled in and signed by an heir who shall enter the data of the deceased person.
When the person is under 14 years of age or is under overall judicial disability, the application shall be submitted on behalf of both parents or the person’s guardian. It shall be submitted by one of the parents only if the other parent has been deprived of parental rights or only by the mother if the father is unknown.
A person aged 14-18 or a person under limited judicial disability shall submit the application in person. The application shall be signed by both parents or by the guardian. It shall be signed by one of the parents only if the other parent has been deprived of parental rights or only by the mother if the father is unknown.
2. A transcript of a birth certificate of a duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority.
The municipality shall enclose to the documents a transcript of a birth act or a duplicate of a birth certificate in those cases when the person was born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the municipality through which the documents are submitted is the same as the municipality on whose territory the person was born.
3. A document certifying the date and way of leaving the country.
4. An official document certifying the change of the names, if any, as well as an official document of identity of a person with different names.
In case the change of names has been made as a result of a contracted civil marriage on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is not required to present the document. The Bulgarian Citizenship Directorate makes an official inspection in the National database of the population, which is kept by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
5. A copy of a document certifying the identity of the applicant.
6. A document of acquired foreign citizenship, if any.
7. A copy of a death act if the person has died.
The municipality shall enclose to the documents a transcript of a death act in those cases when the person has died on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the municipality through which the documents are submitted is the same as the municipality on whose territory the person has died.
8. A current passport-size photograph – 2 photographs.
9. A paying-in slip for a paid state fee amounting to 50 BGN to the account of the Ministry of Justice, the Bulgarian National Bank – Central Administration, IBAN - BG09 BNBG 9661 3000 1737 01, BIC: BNBG BGSD.
The documents presented by the interested people, depending on the foreign country from which they originate, shall meet the requirements of the respective provisions of the bilateral international contracts or the Convention for the annulment of the requirement for legalization of the foreign public acts drawn up in the Hague on 5th October 1961, under which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party, or the Regulations for legalizations, certifications and translation of documents and other papers and shall also be supplied with translations into Bulgarian made and certified in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Regulations.
The requirements shall not apply in the cases when the following are presented:
- Extracts from civil status records related to birth, marriage, or death, which have been issued in accordance with the Convention on the issue of multilingual extracts from civil status records signed on 8th September 1976 in Vienna;
- Official documents issued by an EU Member-state in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 6th July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 (OJ, L 200/1 dated 26th July 2016), with the exception of the requirement to present a translation into Bulgaria of documents issued in the official language of the Member-state issuing them.
In case of establishing any irregularities, the application and the enclosed document shall be returned to the municipality sending them, along with written instructions how to remedy the irregularities.
If upon the issue of a certificate for the existence of Bulgarian citizenship, the applicant requests to take the enclosed copy of a birth act or duplicate of a birth certificate issued by the respective Bulgarian or foreign competent authority, he/she shall enclose a copy of the document certified by a Notary Public when submitting the application.
For more detailed information, please contact the Ministry of justice in Bulgaria, Citizenship Directorate
National telephone for legal assistance
telephone: 070018250
every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.