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Please read the articles bellow and chose your type visa D for residence in Bulgaria

Long term visa type D list:

Important rules for "D" visas:


  • Members of the family of a Bulgarian citizen under the Foreigner`s Act shall be the persons living together with him/her in one household and are:

1. A spouse;

2. Relatives of descending line, including in case they are descendants only of the person under item 1, who haven’t turned twenty-one years of age and have not entered into a marriage;

3. Relatives of descending line, including in case they are descendants only of the person under item 1, who have turned twenty-one years of age but do not have income of their own for they are not in a condition to provide their maintenance or serious health reasons enforce the Bulgarian citizen to take personal care of them;

4. Relatives of ascending line to the Bulgarian citizen or the person under item 1;

5. Other members of his/her household, who have been at his/her support entirely in the state of their origin or in the state of their customary residence or serious health reasons require the Bulgarian citizen to take personal care of them.

  • Family members of Bulgarian citizens applying for a D visa are exempt from a visa fee.

  • Persons under the age of 18 do not present a criminal record certificate.

  • Persons under the age of 18 apply together with their parents, in person. In the absence of one of the parents, a notarized declaration of consent to submit an application for a type "D" visa must be submitted.

  • All required documents must be legalized according to the procedure established for the purpose, depending on the country from which they originate, accompanied by an official translation into Bulgarian prepared by sworn translators approved by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London.

  • Officials working in the consular service reserve the right to request additional documents, in addition to those required by law, in order to prove indisputably the purposes of the trip.



  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Work permit issued by the Bulgarian Employment Agency for Employment/Migration police

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCOACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card. If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease.

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria.

  • Bank statements for the past three months•

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they can cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance and/or emergency hospital treatment, or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language.

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euros/89 pounds, and cards are accepted. The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa. Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit. 

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires. Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

Documents for long term visa –art 24 par 1 p 1 of the Foreigner`s act - work

Documents for long term visa –art 24 par 1 p 2 business company


  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Certificate by the National Revenue Agency for existence/lack of liabilities

  • Certificate by the National Revenue Agency for ten Bulgarian employees

  • Certificate by the National Revenue Agency regarding the current status of work contacts for the employees

  • Certificate by the National Revenue Agency for the employer

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens for non- UK citizens

  • Passport color photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • Documents for a long-term visa –art 24 par 1 p 2 of the Foreigner`s Act -  foreign business operators who have employed at least 10 Bulgarian nationals

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

Documents for long term visa –Company -24 par 1 p 6 trade representative
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Certificate for up-to-date registration of the trade representation issued none earlier than 1 month before the date of the visa application by the Bulgarian Chamber of Trade and Industry 

  • Certified copy of the BULSTAT

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into Bulgarian language.

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. List can be downloaded from here: 

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  • Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

Documents for long term visa – Acquired real estate for at least BGN 600,000 as stipulated in Article 24(1)(19) of the Law for the foreigners in Bulgaria


Documents for a long-term visa – Acquired real estate for at least BGN 600,000 as stipulated in Article 24(1)(19) of the Law for foreigners in Bulgaria

  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO*, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • A notarial act of property/ies total worth min 600 000 leva

  • Certificate/s from the municipality in Bulgaria where the property is located for lack of obligations /taxes due.

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Certified declaration for civil status – can be done in Bulgaria with a local notary

  • Letter from the bank showing the payment of the property price

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into Bulgarian language. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy.List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor they can check or confirm the travelers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

Documents for long term visa –art 24 par 1 p 16- non profit

  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Certificate for registration of non-profit organization issued by the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language.

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  • Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • Documents for a long-term visa –Art 24 par 1 p 16 of the Foreigner`s Act - a non-profit organization

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travelers` immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –art 24 par 24и, 24к, 33к, 33п of the Foreigner`s act 

  • Work permit (letter) issued by the Bulgarian Agency for Employment/ Migration police
  • Application form in English:

  • Valid passport for at least 18 months

  • Passport colour photo

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of residence. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Police Record ACRO*, certified with an apostille by FCO /not for children under 18 YOA/

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card. – only for a work visa based on 24k

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into Bulgarian language.. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy List can be downloaded from here:  

  •  then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and only cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –Free-lance -24 par 1p.15
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • A free-lance license issued by the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy 

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office  and translated into Bulgarian language.

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  •  Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  •  The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  •  The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor they can check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –- Religious/Non profit official- 24 par 1 p. 16
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • А letter of approval by the Religions Directorate of the Council of Ministers pursuant to the Religions Act - in their capacity as foreign religious servants, invited by the central management of the registered religions

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notarial certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of residence. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance and/or emergency hospital treatment or death in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. The translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy. 

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  •  then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor they can check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –art 24 par 1 p 21  - art 24 of the Foreigner`s act -  voluntary activity within the framework of the European Voluntary Service
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Agreement with the host organization in Bulgaria containing information on the voluntary activity, place and period of its performing

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria Bank statements for the past three months

  • Visa application form:

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of residence. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy.

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers` immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –Retired art 24 p 1 p 10
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Official document from the competent body in confirmation that the applicant is a pensioner

  • Please note: the pension letter has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London and then translated into the Bulgarian language.

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO*, certified with an apostille by FCO /not for children under 18 YOA/

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • A document issued by a bank in Bulgaria that there is an account in the applicant`s name where they will receive their pension

  • Please note that the criminal record and the pension letter have to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into Bulgarian language. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy.

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Documents for long term visa –family member of a Bulgarian citizen art 24 of the Foreigner`s act - par 1 p. 18 spouse /p.7-child
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Members of the family of a Bulgarian citizen in the meaning of this Act, shall be the persons, living together with him/her in one household and are:

  • 1. A spouse;

  • 2. Relatives of descending line, including in case they are descendants only of the person under item 1, who haven’t turned twenty-one years of age and have not entered into a marriage;

  • 3. Relatives of descending line, including in case they are descendants only of the person under item 1, who have turned twenty-one years of age but do not have income of their own for they are not in a condition to provide their maintenance or serious health reasons enforce the Bulgarian citizen to take personal care of them;

  • 4.  Relatives of ascending line to the Bulgarian citizen or the person under item 1;

  • 5. Other members of his/her household, who have been at his/her support entirely in the state of their origin or in the state of their customary residence or serious health reasons require the Bulgarian citizen to take personal care of them.


  • Bulgarian marriage certificate p.18 /p.7 – Bulgarian birth certificate/

  • Copy of your spouse`s/child`s Bulgarian ID or passport

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-British citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO, certified with an apostille by FCO

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property if owned by the applicant or lease contract

  • Notary certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Notary certified declaration by the spouse that they shall secure accommodation and cover the expenses and that the marriage is done not for migration purposes / p.7 - Notary certified declaration by the applicant that they shall secure financial support to their Bulgarian child /

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance and/or emergency hospital treatment or death in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  • Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • Visa is FREE OF CHARGE

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Visa D-24 в par 1 – students
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Enrolment Letters from the Ministry of Education and the University in Bulgaria

  • One passport size colour photo

  • UK residence permit for non-British citizens

  • Police Criminal record, apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. 

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  •  Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance and/or emergency hospital treatment or death in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Bank statements for the last 3 months

  • Notary certified letter from your parent/sponsor that they will pay your tuition fees

  • In case of private accommodation /outside the campus/- Proof of address in Bulgaria – a notarial act of property or lease contract

  • If you rent a property/Notarial certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds.

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor they can check or confirm the travellers` immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Please note: all documents must be presented with one copy

  • Please note: All British citizens are exempted from visa for up to 90 days in every 180 days. That period could not be used for working or studying in Bulgaria.

  • Documents for long term visa –Family gathering art 24. P. 13
  • Duly filled in and signed Visa application form:

  • Family members of a foreigner shall be persons who live with him in one household and who are:

  • 1. A spouse;

  • 2. Children of the foreigner and of his/her spouse, including the adopted children, who are not of the age of 18 years and are not in matrimony;

  • 3. Children of the foreigner, including the adopted children, who are not of the age of 18 years and are not in matrimony, in the cases where he/she is entitled to parental rights and the children are on alimony provided by him/her;

  • 4. Children of his/her spouse, including the adopted children, who are not of the age of 18 years and are not in matrimony.

  • As family members shall also be considered the children of a foreigner or his/her spouse, who have turned 18 years age and who have not concluded matrimony in the cases where significant medical reasons require personal care for them or they are unable to provide for themselves due to the same reasons.

  • In the cases where the foreigner already has a spouse, who lives with him/her on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, union of the family with another spouse shall be forbidden.


  • Family gathering letter issued by Migration Directorate in Bulgaria

  • Legalized/marriage/birth certificates

  • Passport valid for at least 18 months

  • Residence permit in the UK for non-UK citizens

  • Passport colour photo

  • Police Record ACRO*, certified with an apostille by FCO /not for children under 18 YOA/

  • ACRO is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and should be still valid for when you apply for the residence card.

  • If there are previous convictions, a letter from a solicitor saying that the applicant is fully rehabilitated is also requested. The letter should be apostilled by FCDO.

  • Proof of address in Bulgaria – Notarial act of property or lease

  • Notarial certified declaration by the owner of the leased property that they give consent for the applicant to register at their address in Bulgaria

  • Bank statements for the past three months

  • Compulsory health insurance, with a minimum amount of coverage of 30,000 Euros, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The insurance must cover the entire period of stay. EHIC or GHIC are also acceptable if they are able to cover all costs that may arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, emergency medical assistance, and/or emergency hospital treatment or death/repatriation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Declaration by the resident that he will cover financially the living expenses of the family members who join him in Bulgaria

  • Translation may be done by an accredited translator at the Embassy.

  • List can be downloaded from here:  

  • then the translation is certified by the Embassy.

  • Please note that the criminal record has to be Apostilled by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and translated into the Bulgarian language. Alternatively, the translation may be done in Bulgaria by a licensed translator.

  • The decision takes 35 working days and could be extended.

  • The cost is 100 euro/89 pounds, and cards accepted

  • The long-term visa is a 6-month multiple entry visa.

  • Its purpose is to give enough time within these six months for the visa holder to register with the local Migration and get issued a residence permit.

  • To apply for a residence permit, one presents exactly the same set of documents they used for the visa application.

  • The residence permit should be renewed every time in Bulgaria before it expires.

  • Embassies do not issue or renew residence permits nor can they check or confirm the travellers’ immigration status in Bulgaria.

  • Procedure for family gathering /visa D:
  • Sworn translators list
  • Application form for all types visa D:
  • Procedures and documents for residence cards in Migration office in Bulgaria
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